JD Vance Rebukes Kamala Harris for Failing to Tackle Illegal Immigration

Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) issued a scathing rebuke of Vice President Kamala Harris over her role as “border czar” of the Biden administration, claiming she owns every one of President Joe Biden’s lax immigration policies.

Vance, who is running alongside former President Donald Trump, visited the southern border this week.

He criticized Harris for illegal immigration in the U.S. during an interview with Breitbart News on Saturday.

“Seeing it with your own eyes, Matt, makes you realize how much her policies have led directly to what we’re seeing,” Vance said.

The Ohio senator and vice presidential candidate listed multiple instances of the Biden administration’s failures on the order, including when it stopped construction of the border wall and ceased deportations, according to Breitbart News.

“She suspended deportations on day one. They stopped construction of the border wall,” Vance said.

“I mean, I saw the slats of non-constructed wall ready to be put up, but of course the Kamala Harris administration prevents that from happening,” he added.

“They reimplemented catch and release, which just allows millions of illegal aliens into our country on taxpayer dime,” he continued.

“And all of these things have had the predictable and desired outcome of effectively opening the American southern border,” Vance went on.

The Ohio Republican also said he spoke with a border patrol agent who informed him that they’ve had to work with several functions of government to try and mitigate the crisis at the southern border.

“If you’re going to deport somebody back to their home country, which we need to do, the State Department has to get involved,” he said.

“If the Border Patrol is going to be empowered to do their job, the Department of Homeland Security has to be involved. If there is — God forbid — a child who is sex trafficked, then the HHS has to get involved,” Vance added. “So you need to coordinate all these functions of government. And that was Kamala Harris’s job — to ensure that no matter what the law enforcement at the border needed, the federal government provided it,” he said, showcasing Harris’s failures.”

Vance claimed that Harris failed to work within the government to find a solution to combat illegal immigration. He said she deliberately refused to act on the issue.

“That’s what she’s utterly failed to do,” the Ohio Republican said.

“Again, by design. These guys said they wanted an open border. They implemented policies on day one to achieve an open border, and the American people have had to live with the disastrous consequences,” he continued. “We can’t let them forget that and we can’t reward them with another four-year term.”

Vance said that Harris didn’t just fail to tackle the crisis at the border, he also labeled her as the face of globalization.

“She supported trade deals that shipped hundreds of thousands of American jobs to Mexico, to China, and to other places. What that has meant fundamentally is that you’re replacing American workers with foreign workers,” Vance explained.

Vance said that Harris’ policies on immigration have provided more jobs for foreign nationals while reducing opportunities for American citizens.

Source: www.resistthemainstream.com