Vicious ‘Muslim Patrol’ Hunts White Brits Down

Over the last week, England has seen protestors against the massive influx of Muslim migrants into their nation, which has led to violence at the hands of a self-proclaimed “Muslim patrol,” a group of immigrants that has been hunting and attacking white anti-immigration protestors. 

Journalist Andy Ngo has been at the forefront of the reporting on this “Muslim patrol,” and has documented instances of violence against native Britons accused of standing up against the immigrant wave. 

“For about 48 hours, we didn’t really know anything about the suspects, there was a lot of misinformation, disinformation online. The day after the mass stabbing attack in Southport, there was a vigil, and then after the vigil, people from that community and allegedly others who had traveled there, amassed outside a local mosque in Southport, and began throwing projectiles at it. Police responded and a full-on riot broke out, a police vehicle was set on fire, officers were injured and a lot of violence happened.”

“The suspect was identified as a 17-year-old male, who a few days from now will turn 18. His name was unsealed by the court, he comes from an Africant migrant family background.”

“There’s been no evidence to suggest at all that his alleged mass killing had anything to do with radical Islam, but nevertheless, a lot of the resentment and anger that’s been felt, you can see online and in sentiments being expressed, grievances from the white British working class, resentment against mass migration, illegal migration, Islam, economic issues and a whole number of grievances. 

“All of it is spilling out into these riots that are breaking out in primarily low-income working-class towns in the north of England.”

Ngo detailed that there was one such protest outside of the Prime Minister’s residence in London, but said that it was shut down almost immediately, leading to claims of “two-tier policing” from protestors.

He also revealed that there was a major push on Saturday afternoon through the north of the country to protest mass migration, leading to a major response from left-leaning counterprotest groups and Muslim counterprotestors.

“The core of this is building up, I would argue, decades of issues between different communities in…England not mixing well together, and the government ignoring some of those grievances, and a series of Islamic terrorist attacks over the years has built up a certain amount of anger.” he said. “It’s spilled out in these really horrible, ugly scenes where you see rioters in the streets attacking drivers, smashing up businesses, setting police cars on fire, accosting various people and then assaulting them.”

“We’ll have to wait and see what happens next, but things are quite tense right now,” he added. “it won’t take much for things to potentially escalate a lot more.”


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